Garnier Boris
ガルニエ ボリス
GARNIER Organum 有限会社 代表取締役
パリのCNAM(Conservatoire National des Arts&Métiers)で電子工学とコンピューターサイエンスを学び、この間音響および音楽工学を夜間に受講する。
(1997-2002):Hewlett Packard / France- HP Labs UK Bristol
-HP HQ Paolo Alto USA-Unix Telecom IntelligentNetwork
(2006-2009):父親の会社、Garnier Orguesに加わり、フランスの会社の責任を引き継ぐ。
(2008):フェリス女学院大学 礼拝堂のオルガンの構築、組立て設置、および整音を担当。
この41ストップのオルガンは、調整可能な音響機能を備えた素晴らしいミュージックホールにあり、4つの手動ペダルと2つのキャビネットに分かれている。440hzの3つのマニュアルは、18世紀のドイツのバロックレパートリーの為であり、ロマン派音楽につながる表現力豊かなマニュアルと、補助的な半音で完全に分離された5ストップのオルガン。調整可能な「Bass-Diskant 」システム。
<<可能言語 フランス語 英語 ドイツ語 ブルガリア語 日本語Boris shares many skills in common with his twin brother Ivo and like Ivo, is specialized in the design of new instruments and the development of mechanical solutions required in the building of pipes organs. Before joining the family, company Boris worked in computer science for almost 6 years. Today Boris is specialized in pipe scaling and acoustic design for the organs. Since 2010, he is in charge of the musical concept, the building, installation and voicing of the instruments as leader of the Japanese workshop.
(~ 2002): Boris follows traditional French schooling while studying piano, organ with Norbert Pétry and music theory at the Music Conservatory of la Chaud-de-fond in Switzerland and later on in Besançon, France.
Boris has a 5 years engineering background. He studies electronics and computer science at the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers), in Paris. During this time, he also takes evening classes in acoustic & musical engineering.
(1997 – 2002): He works for Hewlett Packard/France- HP Labs UK Bristol – HP HQ Palo Alto USA – 6 years experience in R&D in core development of Unix Telecom Intelligent Network platform.
(2002): He gets his degree at the National school of Organ Builder in Eschau (Strasbourg), France.
(2003-2005): Boris joins his brother Ivo in the design and building of a new type of pipe organ for Japanese customers. During these 2 years, he gains experience in manual craftsman work for pipes, cabinets and mechanics.
(2006 – 2009): Boris joins his father’s company, Garnier Orgues, and takes over the responsibility of the workshop team. He implements new methods in order to enhance the workflow and better schedule the delivery.
During these years, he acquires a great deal of experience in the voicing field from his father who introduces him to his methods. Using his acoustic knowledge Boris quickly gains skills in voicing, constantly improving his understanding of the process of making sound.
Through his travels throughout Europe to see and hear organs, he develops a greater expertise and a deeper understanding of what links sound to musicality in the process of voicing. He dedicates his time to enhance the methods of full on-site voicing which he believes is the only right solution to optimize the musicality of the instrument. This becomes his passion and leads him to work relentlessly on outstanding projects during the years to come
(2007):- University of Fukuoka – He is in charge of building, installing and voicing the organ. With this Instrument, our aim was to create the ideal organ for playing Bach.
This approach to musicality is inspired by the discovery made of XVIII century instruments, found in Central and South Germany, specifically the region of Thuringia where instruments made by the organ builder Trost (whom Bach believed made the best organs) can be found.
(2008) – University of Ferris Yokohama – he is in charge of the building, installing and voicing the chapel’s organ. He designs a new temperament to fit the daily music requirements for the place of worship, (18th-19th cent. repertoire) as well as the recitals playing mainly baroque German music literature.
(2014) – Birmingham University Bramall Hall – This 41stops instrument stands in an amazing music hall with tuneable acoustic capabilities.
This instrument is divided in 4 manual pedals and 2 cabinets. Three manuals in 440hz are dedicated to 18th century German Baroque repertoire with an expressive manual that leads to Romantic music and a second small cabinet with a 5-stop organ, completely separated with the supplementary semitones, short octave in 415hz with a tuneable “Bass-Diskant” split system.
(2017) – Yonsei University Seoul – This organ is inspired by the German organ builder Andreas Silbermann from Strasbourg. Our company has won the project since we are the only organ builders performing the entire voicing on-site.
As an electronic engineer, Boris is deeply involved in the electrical parts for the instruments such as electric stop actions and combinatory systems. He particularly focuses on implementing invisible electronic combination systems when required by customers in order to keep the look of the
traditional historic organ console (see following pictures of organ console) as much as possible.
Boris has 20 years of experience in organ building and regularly writes for organ magazines. He speaks French, English, German and Bulgarian fluently, and has an intermediate level of Japanese