Les P’tits Musiciens
Pipe organ school
Les p’tits musicians
アトリエ・バロックによる公式 パイプオルガン教室
Les p’tits musiciansでは、本物のパイプオルガンに触れて感じ、そして学び、演奏したいという方々の為のオルガン教室です。電子音楽が溢れ本物の音楽の根源に触れる機会が減っている今だからこそ、私たちは本物の楽器に触れる空間を提供したいと考えています。
We are delighted to introduce you to our organ school. We have become increasingly aware of the desire of many people to play, touch, and feel real musical instruments.
With the increasing growth of digital audio technology, people are losing touch with the true origins of natural musical sounds. Our desire is to provide a space where renewed contact with authentic instruments is possible.
All of our teachers are highly trained professionals and are passionate about helping everyone make progress through regular lessons.
To additionally motivate students and provide them with concrete goals, we organize an annual concert where the participants have the opportunity to play in front of an audience on a large organ.
You can practice on our instruments at any time, on an hourly rental basis, at very reasonable rates.
We certainly hope you are interested in learning more and would love to hear from you!
(English, French or Japanese)
Sign up now for a trial lesson!!
Matthieu Garnier
体験レッスンも随時受付けていますので、ガルニエオルガヌムのホームページよりお問い合わせ(CONTACT US)下さい。
・月2回60分ずつの個人レッスン (日本語、英語、フランス語に対応可)
Our school is open to kids and adults who want to try, play, touch and enjoy real handmade instruments. No previous knowledge or level is required and lessons can be given in Japanese, English or French. We offer private lessons with high level teachers.
講師の紹介 – 4 TEACHERS

山田由希子 (やまだ ゆきこ)
これまでにローザンヌ国際バッハコンクール第三位(一位なし)、バチェーノ国際オルガンコンクール優勝、アンドレア・アンティコ・ダ・モントーナ国際オルガンコンクール第三位(一位なし)、南フリウリ国際オルガンコンクール第三位、ジョセフ・ボッサード プライズコンクール優勝、ルチェラ古楽祭コンクール通奏低音部門優勝など多数の国際コンクールで入賞を果たしている。日本をはじめオランダ、ドイツ、ベルギー、スイス、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、クロアチア、ポーランド、チェコ、ハンガリー、ロシア、韓国、中国、その他各地で演奏会を行い、イタリア、クロアチア、オランダ、ロシアのラジオ及びテレビに出演した。またオランダ、フローニンゲンのマルティーニ教会にてオランダ王室関係者の前での披露演奏を行っている。
ロンドンのジョン・ヒルメモリアルコンサートなどをはじめ、広州市星海音楽庁、北京中央音楽院主催の古楽音楽祭、その他ヨーロッパ、アジアの音楽祭などにも多数招待され、現在もなお活動が続いている。2013年春にロシアからの招待で、ロシア全土7か所のソロツアー公演の成功をおさめた。ソロの他、通奏低音奏者としての活動及びオーケストラとの共演や他楽器とのアンサンブル公演も多数経験、現在は後進の指導を精力的に行っている。CASIO Chinaが支援するUT有限公司主催のUTアーティストの一人に選出され、アジアを中心に国際的に演奏活動を行っている。
現在松本市音楽文化ホール ホール・オルガニスト、桜美林芸術文化ホール専属オルガニスト、桜美林大学芸術文化学群非常勤講師、同大学エクステンションセンターパイプオルガン講師、日本オルガン研究会会員、一社)日本オルガニスト協会会員。
Yukiko Yamada is a Japanese organist. She is a lecturer of J. F Oberlin University (Tokyo), an exclusive organist of J.F. Oberlin Hall or Arts and Culture, and the Harmony Hall of Matsumoto city. Her earliest musical studies were at the piano age of three and age of fifteen she took up the pipe organ. Her first studies in organ and basso continuo were with prof. Naoko Imai, harpsichord was with prof. Naoya Otsuka, Kumiko Shibazaki and prof. Yoshiko Kojima. And after passing the entrance examination to Geidai (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) she became a pupil of emeritus proffessor Tsuguo Hirono. She was also taking lessons from prof. Masaaki Suzuki for baroque ensemble in Geidai. Yukiko Yamada graduated as Bachelor with top honors and awards in 2004, and took her Master degree in organ performance with top honors and awards from Geidai in 2007. In 2005, she was also awarded “Shirakawa prize” by International Italian music academy. She further enriched her studies as a pupil of prof. Theo Jellema, prof. Wolfgang Zerer, prof. Erwin Wiersinga at the Prince Claus Conservatorium in Groningen, the Netherlands in 2010 as a member of the Japanese Government (Agency for Cultural Affairs) Overseas Study Program for Artists. She also studied at the Royal Conservatorium in den Haag for Master degree with prof. Jos van der Kooy. She was supported by the Netherlands national government prestigious Huygens Scholarship and the Nakamura music scholarship from Hiroshima. It was during her advanced studies that she was able to distinguish herself in several international competitions, notably by winning the 3rd prize by “Grand prix Bach de Lausanne”, the 3rd prize by “Andrea Antico da Montona International Organ Competition”, the 3rd prize by “South Friuli International Organ Competition”, the 1st prize by “International Organ Competition in Baceno”, and the 1st prize by “Joseph Bossard Preis competition”. She is also invited by some of music festivals notably by John Hill HSBC series in London 2011, International Baroque music festival in Beijing 2013 etc.
Yukiko Yamada has already given numerous concerts in Japan, Korea, China, Russia and several Europe countries etc. In April 2013, she was invited a big solo concert tour (for playing 7 different cities) in Russia and broadcasted by some of TV news in Russia. In 2016, she was broadcasted by world web-CF of Activia Danone.
Yukiko Yamada is currently a member of the Japan Association of Organists, also the Japan Organ Society. She is also supported by UT occasion company in Xian China as a UT artist. She is currently also a teacher of “L’Atelier baroque Sengoku” organ studio in Tokyo.
Days are flexible but be aware that sometimes teacher may move the teaching day in relation with there own schedule.
Feel free to ask an appointing date.
講師とレッスンについて Teachers and lessons fees

Débute ses études musicales avec le piano et se tourne vers l’orgue à l’âge de 16 ans. Admise à l’université Geidai (Université de Tokyo pour les Beaux Arts et la Musique) dans la classe de Tsuguo Hirono, Naoko Imai et Makiko Hayashima, elle obtient une licence et une maîtrise d’orgue avec mention très bien à l’unanimité. Elle reçoit plusieurs prix pour la meilleure interprétation (prix d’Ataka, prix d’Akansas…) à l’université Geidai de Tokyo. En 2007, Ami est admise au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSMP) dans la classe d’Olivier Latry et Michel Bouvard et obtient son Master en juin 2011 ainsi que les prix d’harmonie et de contrepoint renaissance l’année suivante. Elle a également suivi les cours d’improvisation avec Philippe Lefebvre et du clavecin avec Françoise Marman. Après ses études au CNSMP, elle a suivi les cours de Bernard Foccroulle au conservatoire Royal de musique de Bruxelles entre 2011 et 2012. Elle bénéficie du soutien de la Fondation Legs Jabès, du Fonds de Tarrazi et d’une bourse du Japanese Governement Overseas Study Program for Artists. Son parcours lui permet de suivre les Master class de Louis Robilliard, François Menissier, Francis Jacob (F), Michael Radulescu (A), James David Christie (USA)…
Ami donne de nombreux récitals au Japon, en Angleterre, en Belgique, en Suisse, en France (Notre Dame de Paris, Chartres, Château de Versailles, Saint Sulpice, Cathédrale d’Olréans, Toulouse les orgues…).En 2009, elle obtient le 2ème prix Joseph Bossard de Bellelay en Suisse. Lauréate très remarquée du concours d’orgue international Pierre de Manchicourt de Béthune en 2010, Ami est nommée ambassadrice culturelle du grand orgue Freytag/Tricoteaux de Béthune et enregistré le CD “Révélations” consacré à un large répertoire. Elle est nommée oganiste à la salle de concert ‘Tokorozawa-Muse’ en avril 2014 et elle est également assistante à la classe d’orgue de l’université Geidai de Tokyo.
http://orguebethune.free.fr/index.html http://www.muse-tokorozawa.or.jp
Monday of each month from 10h to 21h. Please be aware that sometimes teacher may move the teaching day in relation with there own schedule. Please contact us and check for the next available lesson time.

– ASAO Naoko
Naoko Asao was born in Tokyo,Japan. She graduated from Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in Kawasaki and obtained her Master’s Degree at Elizabeth University of Music in Hiroshima in the studio of Misako Sato and Yoko Yamazaki respectively. She has also studied at New England Conservatory in Boston with Yuko Hayashi. She completed the organ internship with Hatsumi Miura at Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall in 2005. Until now, she served as an organist of Yamate Catholic Church (The Cathedral of Yokohama), Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior and Senior High School, Rikkyo Ikebukuro Junior and Senior High School.
Naoko performs in recitals, and appears with chorus, brass bands, orchestras, and ensembles in various cities in Japan and is an organist of Den-enchofu Catholic Church in Tokyo. She is a member of the Japan Association of Organists and Japan Organ Society.

石川マンジョル優歌(いしかわ まんじょる ゆか)
都立芸術高校音楽科 楽理専攻、東京藝術大学音楽学部器楽科オルガン専攻および同大学院修士課程修了。修了時に大学院アカンサス賞受賞。フランス・トゥールーズ音楽院オルガン科Perfectionnement課程修了。同音楽院クラヴサン科、ピアノ伴奏科、エクリチュール科にてディプロマ取得。
2016年度藝大モーニングコンサートに選出。トゥールーズ・キャピトル管、藝大フィルハーモニア、神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、セントラル愛知交響楽団等と共演。横浜みなとみらいホール ホールオルガニスト・インターンシッププログラム第15期生。
現在は帰国し、ソロ、アンサンブル、オーケストラとの共演など多方面での演奏活動を精力的に行っている。特にオルガンの解説を交えた子供向けプログラムを得意としており、イベント等で好評を博している。近年ではクラシックのみにとどまらず、ゲーム音楽やポップス等にも積極的に取り組んでおり、ラジオCM、ミュージックビデオ等への出演も行い、オルガン音楽の裾野を広げることを目標としている。NTT docomo VOLTE HD+ラジオCM「聞こえない音楽 編」、ゲーム原神ミュージックビデオ「終末の赦祷式 アルレッキーノ編」(ソニー・ミュージック・パブリッシング)等出演。
After finishing her studies at Tokyo municipal high school of the arts (with a major in musicology), Yuka Ishikawa obtained her bachelor and master of music, with organ as major, from Tokyo University of the Arts. She was awarded the Acanthus prize for her achievements. She attended the “Perfectionnement” courses of the Conservatoire Régional in Toulouse, France where she also obtained a “diploma of musical studies” for harpsichord, piano accompaniment, harmony and composition.
She has studied the organ with renowned professors Michel Bouvard, Jan Willem Jansen, Rie Hiroe, Yuichiro Shiina and Mitsuko Matsuura, the harpsichord with Yasuko Bouvard, the piano with Satoru Sunahara, Hideto Nishikawa, Mayuko Hashizume and the accompanying piano with Véronique Grange and Éloise Urbain.
In 2016, she was selected for the ‘Geidai morning concerts’. She has performed with famous orchestra like the orchestre national du Capitole in Toulouse, the Geidai Philharmonia, the Kanagawa Philharmonic, or the Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra.
In 2015, she participated in the “organist internship” program in Minato Mirai Hall.
In 2018, she reached the semi-finals of the Pierre de Manchicourt international organ competition in Saint-Omer, France.
Until August 2022, she was the resident organist at the Croix-Daurade church in Toulouse, France, were she accompanied the catholic liturgy.
Now living again in Japan, she pursues her career as a concertist, giving numerous concerts either in solo, with ensembles or with orchestra. She has been regularly praised for her ability to explain the organ to children through programs tailored to the public.
Recently she has expanded her repertoire by adding to the classic pieces some pieces from the worlds of video games or pop culture. She has participated in the recording of commercials for the radio as well as music videos chasing her dream of widening the organ music appeal. Examples include, the recording of the commercial “Kikoenai ongaku” on NTT docomo VOLTE HD+ and the music video for “Absolutio Absoluta Absolutissime” from the video game Genshin Impact, produced by Sony Music Publishing.
Until 2022 she taught the piano at the A Tempo music school in Toulouse, France. There she took care of more than forty pupils both children and adults. She also worked as a Japanese teacher in the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (French Grande École) during the 2021-2022 school year.
She is a member of the Japan organist association as well as the Japan organ society.
金額 – Prices
入会金 ¥10,000(税込)※返金不可
個人レッスン 1回60分 ¥7,500 (税込)
子供レッスン1回30分 ¥4,500 (税込)
体験レッスンは1回 ¥2,000(税込)で、最大2回までご参加いただけます。
「レ·プティ·ムジシャン」のメンバーは、駒込にあるレンタルオルガンスタジオ(L’ATELIER Baroque)を特別料金でご利用いただけます。
料金は、1時間 ¥1,500(税込)です。
Trial lesson
1 time ¥2,000 (all tax include) Maximum 2 times trial (one per teachers)
Admission fee 10,000¥ (all tax included, no refund)
Private lesson
1 time 60 minutes 7,500¥ (all tax included) Kids lessons 1 time 30 minutes 4,500¥ (all tax included)
Special practicing fees only for “Les Petits Musiciens” members.
1 hours 1,500¥ (all tax included)
楽器 – Instruments

To book a trial lesson or a practicing time, please contact us.
練習のご予約 booking
アクセス / Access
東京都文京区本駒込5-43-11 (アービス駒込1F)
Tokyo-to Bunkyou-ku Honkomagome 5-43-11 (Apise Komagome 1F)
電車 駒込駅より徒歩8から10分
バスをご利用の場合は、58番 上野松坂屋前行きバス 本駒込5丁目でご乗降下さい。